Wales look to ban unlimited refills

15 Jul

Today Health Secretary Eluned Morgan has launched a consultation to restrict "promotions of food products high in fat, sugar and salt".

The consultation has a broad title: 'Proposals to make the food environment in Wales healthier'.

However, it confirms it will cover on-sales operations such as restaurants and cafes.

It includes 3 proposals

  • to prohibit retailers from offering free drink refills, which many high street restaurants offer.
  • prevent retailers from offering promotions, including buy-one-get-one-free and three-for-two offers on unhealthy food products.
  • bar retailers from placing high-fat, sugar and salt food products in certain locations in stores, including entrances, end of aisles and checkout or queueing areas.

A Welsh government spokesman said it wants to support people in Wales to make the "healthy" and "easy choice when it comes to food shopping and eating out."

"This proposed legislation is part of a broad range of approaches, both voluntary and regulatory, that we are considering to encourage the food and retail sector to produce, promote and sell healthier food and drink," 

Responses are required by 23rd  September. If the proposals are adopted then the legislation is scheduled to be put before the Synedd in 2025.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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